Do You Know What You Want to Achieve in Your Career?
Unfortunately, a lot of veterinarians have lost their passion, enthusiasm and drive for their career.
The Common Mistakes made by Veterinarians in their Career
Choosing any job because of the tough market
Thinking this is the best it will get & staying while unhappy, frustrated and unfulfilled
Not believing in their own talents & skills
Not asking to be given opportunities
Not choosing CPD strategically to build their skills
Not asking for a salary increase or improved benefits
Not asking for further training
Lack of confidence, self belief and self worth
Not building 'soft' skills such as communication, leadership, empathy, stress management, influence
Choosing a practice for what they don't have to do e.g. on call, weekends, late nights
Waiting until they know everything and are highly experienced before applying for their dream job
Believing if you do a great job, you will be recognised and rewarded. (You must learn to ask!)
What Limits Your Veterinary Career
Plan to Succeed in Your Veterinary Career
You must take the time to determine what you want from your career, what you need to learn and what opportunities you need to create this vision.

Set Goals for Your Veterinary Career
Determine what you want & how to achieve it
The Veterinary Career Plan is an advanced training over 5 modules that will help you do this.
The Modules are as follows:
1. Likes & Dislikes
Determine what you like & dislike in practice
2. Ideal Veterinary Career
What do you want to achieve in your career? Do you have a vision?
3. Where are you now?
Where are you currently in your career & in practice?
4. The Gap
Identify what you need to learn to achieve your vision
5. Action Plan
Determine what steps you need to take to achieve your vision
What to do with the 5 lists you have created
Access Anytime
You have access to the course 24/7
Video + worksheet for each module
Money Back Guarantee
Veterinary Career Plan comes with a 30 day money back guarantee
What the online portal looks like
Gain clarity about the direction of your career & the knowledge, skills & experience you need
The 5 worksheets you complete will help you evaluate every opportunity
- to ensure the veterinary practice fits with your vision & where you will thrive
- to know exactly what is negotiable and non-negotiable with regard to benefits & working conditions
- to identify and avoid the practices where you become unhappy, frustrated & stuck
You will identify exactly where you must gain knowledge, build skills and experience

Create Your Career Goals Now & Rediscover Your Passion For Your Career
Australian Dollars inclusive of GST
One Time Cost. Instant Access
About Natasha Wilks, High Performance Vets
Dr Natasha Wilks BVSc Dip Coaching, created High Performance Vets in 2011 to help veterinarians overcomes the challenges that are common in practice and to assist veterinarians to succeed in their life and career as well as increasing their income.
Natasha is a Veterinarian with 20 years experience and a Life & Executive Coach since 2006. She recently became a Certified Social + Emotional Intelligence Coach, completed her Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology and become a certified Resilience Trainer
Natasha is passionate about educating people in how to improve their wellbeing and develop resilience in the face of challenges.

Natasha created the Veterinary Career Plan program when she recognised that her colleagues were leaving practices for valid reasons but were considering employment opportunities for what they didn't want in a practice. With this focus they weren't evaluating the positions and practices for what knowledge, skills and experience they would gain in their career and would encounter frustrations and stagnation in their career.
This course is a culmination of everything Natasha has learned and applied in her years as a Veterinarian and coach but also what she wish she knew in the first few years of her career.